Mount Kilamanjiro

Mount Kilamanjiro

Mount Kilimanjaro Challenge

Thursday 29 January 2015

21 hours and counting down to my biggest adventure yet - Mount Kilimanjaro

Hello everyone

A very short message but my last before setting off and my biggest adventure yet!

Im putting this up now, thank you all for the fantastic messages and words of encouragement. I feel like I've had the biggest workout ever and that was just shutting my suitcase with all my Kilimanjaro kit in it!! I am beyond excited, am so ready for this.....4 years in the making to get well and fit enough to tackle the World's tallest free standing mountain. This is my personal journey to prove to myself that I'm back, that I made it and nothing can or will ever keep me down. The combination of the cancer and pneumonia couldn't do it, and that;s exactly where this self challenge came from, challenging and motivating myself to fight back from the weakest I'd ever been to get up, get out and go get my mountain. Those who have followed my difficulties in recent years and I'm not just talking about the cancer will know how hard I fought to keep on top, my resilience was never in doubt even though it's been a very turbulent road I've traveled. And while writing this little message to you all I've not stopped smiling. Thank you for been part of my journey and always giving me great support. It does and has always meant a great deal to me.

I don't know if I'll be posting anything while I'm away or if you'll have to wait until I return....but rest assured there will be plenty of photos - a video diary and I'll be writing my journal at the end of each day. I want to say a massive thank you to each and every single one of you who have supported me in any way and to all those of you who have sponsored/donated to my chosen charity Alopecia UK.....all the money raised will certainly help researchers in their quest for a cure, and most importantly shows all sufferers we do care and we see them. Molly my best little bud - this is for you crazy kid xxxxxxx

Until next time


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