Mount Kilamanjiro

Mount Kilamanjiro

Mount Kilimanjaro Challenge

Wednesday 1 August 2012

New blood cancer drug with the potential to save lives

Hello everyone

A short update, but ground breaking news potentially for blood cancer sufferers.

Before that - Happy Yorkshire Day! - I hope you all have a great day and manage to get some Yorkshire puddings today!

I've been reading about the new cancer drug breakthrough for blood cancer, researchers in Melbourne claim this new drug has the potential to save lives. This is fantastic news from the researchers...and what makes it even better is that it is only a matter of months away from human trials! The revolutionary new drugged could be used in patient trials before the end of the year.

This could be a major breakthrough for cancer sufferers of both Leukaemia and Lymphoma. This new drug scientists say will kill off the leukaemia and lymphoma cells by blocking their protein production. What the Melbourne researchers have shown is the cancers reliance on making new protein, and if you interfere with this process it effectively kills off the cancer cell, whilst not affecting a normal good cell. This would eliminate the need for chemotherapy and  thus spare the patient the serious side effects. The researchers say they have a new cancer drug and if tested successfully has the potential to save lives.

Lets keep our fingers crossed for successful trials and a major breakthrough in the treatment of blood cancers. Another positive step in the research towards eradicating cancer for future generations!

Like I say, short but sweet. Until next time


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