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Mount Kilamanjiro

Mount Kilimanjaro Challenge

Friday 1 February 2013

Juice detox day five

Hi everyone

I woke up this morning and I felt great, I had slept really well and felt refreshed. Not sure if it's because I've been crazy busy, that I'm catching up from little or no sleep or the peppermint tea I've been drinking before bed - whatever it is, I felt great! I weight myself this am and I have lost 8lbs since I started my detox juice programme -- not bad as a by product of what I'm doing it for!

I am loving the the flavour burst of the different juices and find it the easiest way by far for getting all those wonderful nutrients etc into my system, I was talking about it today with friends, enthusiastically talking about all the different fruit and veg I've had this last week. I haven't felt hungry all week and in the last couple of days have noticed my energy lifting and my fatigue dropping...I am so very pleased that I am giving this a go. I've got myself into a great little routine, as soon as I get home I set about preparing my juice to take to work the next day. I then leave it in the fridge overnight and then consume my evening drink. It's no hassle and I hope I carry on with the mega healthy juices for a long time to come. I seriously cannot recommend enough for you to have a go and give your bodies a major vitamin, mineral and nutrient boost, you won't regret it at all!

So on to today's food facts about Carrots - another superfood!
Carrots can lower the risk of Breast, Lung and Colon cancer, researchers have isolated a compound called Falcarinol, which they believe maybe largely responsible it's anti-cancer benefits. In our daily diet, carrots are almost the only source of this compound - this fact alone makes eating regular portions of carrots really worthwhile.

Carrots are rich in Beta-Carotene which is converted into Vitamin A by the liver which is then converted into Rhodopsin, a purple pigment necessary for night vision.

Diets high in carotenoids are associated with a lower risk of Heart Disease and it's also believed regular consumption can reduce risk of Cholesterol. Research carried out at Harvard University showed people who ate more than six carrots a week were less likely to suffer a stroke than those who only ate one carrot a month or more.

Carrots have  strong cleansing properties that are effective in detoxifying the liver, thus are very effective for acne caused by toxins in the blood. Vitamin A & other nutrients contained in carrots efficiently nourish the skin, which helps prevent dry skin and other skin blemishes.

Carrots are anti-aging - they contain a lot of Beta - Carotene, which serve as an anti - oxidant that helps the body to fight free radicals. It also helps slow down the aging of cells and various negative effects associated with aging.

I sincerely hope you consider upping your vegetable intake after reading some of the facts put before you if you don't already eat a good quota.

So until next time

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