Mount Kilamanjiro

Mount Kilamanjiro

Mount Kilimanjaro Challenge

Saturday 2 February 2013

Juice detox day six

Hello everyone

I have to say I'm still doing well and enjoying the juice detox. It's hard to fully understand the changes that are going on, I am and have been so busy of late and this will continue right through the month as we kick of the Rugby Superleague with our first match of the 2013 season tomorrow. So I've been working long hard days, what I will say is I haven't felt like I've been flagging and on top of that it is less than two weeks ago I had day surgery. So I'm probably increasing my energy levels daily.

I actually thought I would struggle more than I have over stopping drinking tea - I have done ok and have been drinking caffeine Peppermint tea instead. Yep I think the two weeks is going to be pretty easy to do, and in all seriousness I can see myself carrying it on for longer.

Today as you can see by the picture, I'm going to give you some facts about the superb root Ginger!

Ginger has been known to help treat Ovarian cancer for years, ginger it has been found through research triggers two types of cancer cell death - Apoptosis ans Autophagy. Apoptosos results in cancer cells essentially committing suicide and Autophagy results in the cancer cells digesting or attacking themselves.Ginger also offers plenty of protective benefits for colon cancer.

So ginger is another superfood in the natural fight against cancer!

Ginger has fantastic anti inflammatory properties and the root is probably best known for this fact. The anti inflammatory compounds in ginger are responsible for significantly reducing inflammation are called gingerols. These compounds make ginger an amazing beneficial tool for various inflammatory related health conditions.

Ginger can benefit other diseases caused or fueled by inflammation such as:
Obesity, Arthritis, Diabetes, Alzheimers, numerous cancer types, Cardiovasular disease but to name a few. It has been known for many years to inhibit the enzymes that cause Heartburn and Acid Reflux.  Other health issues to benefit from ginger are: cough, sore throat, stuffy nose/ congestion, upset stomach/ digestion, headaches/migraines, toothache and pain.

So another natural food with unbelievable properties to aid our health and bodies! - if we can break away from the marketing that fuels our minds with false needs of fat clogged, sodium loaded processed foods...we and the worlds wealth would be so much better off - if the money wasn't spent treating ailments that can be prevented from good, sensible eating, it could be spent helping the homeless and the millions living below the poverty line - now that is food for thought!

Until next time

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