Mount Kilamanjiro

Mount Kilamanjiro

Mount Kilimanjaro Challenge

Tuesday 12 March 2013

More interesting juice de-tox facts!

Hello everyone

Well didn 't expect this to happen so quickly! I've not had any juice since Saturday, not because I've gone off it but because I just couldn't stand long enough to make some up with the pains I had in my back and legs. You wouldn't believe how bloated I am after only a couple of days off the juice! My fingers are really the Professor Clump look going on today, my whole abdominal area is bloated too and I feel very uncomfortable. Not a great look or feel believe me!

I've really missed it and will test out my newly eased off back and legs by going to make some up shortly. It just proves that the juice totally balances the body, well it certainly is mine, when I'm on the juice I'm not retaining fluid, I'm not bloating, my energy levels are much improved, I feel so much better and love that I'm trying to counteract all the med's and antibiotics I've had to put into my system by massively boosting the vitamins, minerals and all the healthy nutrients going into my body. Just think of all the blood sugar balancing, blood pressure reducing, cholesterol lowering, anti-cancer and organ cleansing nutrients that I add to my system everyday....I don't go for a tablet to do it, I'm getting all that goodness from fresh produce. I genuinely cannot imagine not drinking this juice everyday, I really love it. I have only had caffeine about 5 times in the last 4 weeks or so, I'm heavily into Peppermint tea which is caffeine free and lovely hot or cold. Never thought I'd say I'm okay with not having a cuppa of Yorkshire tea!

Had some fabulous news on my own health front in the last few weeks ( down to two consultants now!! ) I have been signed off by my bladder consultant after two years! it looks like the last surgical procedure I had done in January has finally solved my bladder/infection issues. I cannot tell you how relieved I am about that, it was certainly getting me down a little after so long, and the almost continuous infections were taking a heavy toil on my poor battered body. So I'm off the antibiotics after just two weeks shy of a solid year of taking them, and now it's a matter of hoping the good bacteria in my gut and intestines recover and re-colonise themselves. I know some bacteria types will have been wiped out forever, but hopefully the others will improve. One of the main reasons I wanted to do the juice de-tox to begin with. My body/system is now resistant to some antibiotics after the overuse in the last year, so here's hoping I don't need them again.

The CT scan I had for the upper abdominal issues came back clear which is fantastic news on the liver, kidney and spleen front. My consultant now wants a gastro camera to check out my stomach etc to see if it's anything in there that's causing my problems. I have a date with the camera in April, so fingers crossed it's nothing in the stomach. It's leaning more towards something that either flares up, irritates me with some kind of inflammation or side effects from the long term antibiotic just want to be able to get on with things now, and am starting to. Back to the gym I go as soon as the soreness from my back/leg flare up eases off....couple of days I reckon!

Later this week I'm going to put up another great food fact, hope you come back to read it. So finally before I go, here's some details of thee upcoming Yorkshire 3 Peak challenge.

Sat July 6th - Yorkshire 3 Peak Challenge hosted by Lost Earth Adventures on behalf of War on Cancer.
Check out their link to find out about kit list and other details. .

How it will work:-
If you want the opportunity to join a great day of climbing for a great cause and be one of only 40 places available.
- You need to pay £50.00 deposit here on the blog. Hit the donate button on the home page, it goes directly to WoC's secure paypal, there is an option to leave a note. Leave you name, address and email details stating it's for Y3P.
- WoC will send you a booking form for you to fill in, electronically is the preference, but will post out if required.
- You the participant fill in the form and return to WoC.
- You are now booked on the Y3P challenge!
All that's left is to get out training and getting as many sponsors as possible. I look forward to seeing you on the day!

Check out our wonderful friends and hosts Lost Earth Adventures site on the link above.

Remember together we can carry on driving forward to total cancer eradication for future generations....we just have to believe.


Until next time


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