Mount Kilamanjiro

Mount Kilamanjiro

Mount Kilimanjaro Challenge

Tuesday 22 January 2013

New War on Cancer site coming soon!

Hello everyone!

I have exciting news for War on Cancer! - I am now the proud owner of the domain name , really happy about this development indeed. I always said to myself that when I got back out there and got myself working that I would move my blog because although Blogger has been brilliant, there are a lot of things that cannot be done with my site that I want to, so I will move it to a new host.

I am extremely lucky that my nephew Damien is again going to design my new website to my specs, he is a qualified web designer and has said he will donate his time for doing this wonderfully generous thing to War on Cancer - so I thank you Damien from the bottom of my heart!

So in the near future War on Cancer will be re-launched to it's new web address and wait for it -- with it's very first two sponsors! This year is going to be great for War on Cancer - I will be moving it forward on the next step of it's journey.

Already had a great response to the announcement I made for this years annual endurance sponsored challenge - Climb Ben Nevis 2013. So for those of you undecided -- for some healthy training and the climbing of a wee hill ;)....afterwards you get to hang out with old and new friends re-living your glorious ascent to the summit and the observatory ruins with a BBQ and beers...I can for sure guarantee lots of fun & laughter and the amount of endurance challenge returnee's is a testament to how good last years event was!
So with that in mind, I hope to be hearing from some new adventurers who not only want to challenge themselves but help raise money and awareness for cancer charities.

I hope that when my new site is up and running that I can persuade you to tell all your friends and families about it, encourage people to read it and hopefully some of you will maybe sponsor my quest to climb Mt'Kilimanjaro this year. One of the new features will be an on-line sponsor form and hopefully you will take advantage of this. It will be much easier for everyone to leave comments against posts, features etc and I actively encourage you all to take advantage of this to leave feedback, question me and yes suggest challenges for myself or for team participation.

I hope you all come join me on the next leg of this wonderful journey, it's great knowing you are there supporting and encouraging me along the way.

I've had what I hope is the last surgical procedure on my bladder today, this was my second procedure in 6 months and I'm hoping for better results than the last one. It is a different procedure, both done with a rigid cystoscopy ( never again ). Last time I got an infection about 10 days after the procedure and the had an ongoing infection for practically the whole of the next 6 months. I have been on antibiotics for 11 months solid now, and it seems they may now be causing me problems and side effects.So here's hoping my issues that are preventing me from doing any real exercise will soon be a thing of the past and I can then get out there and get myself ready for what will be a really hard year of endurance events - I'm up for the challenge, are you up for one of them? let me know!

If you'd like to become a sponsor of War on amount is too little, then get in contact with me and we sit and chat!

Until next time

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