Mount Kilamanjiro

Mount Kilamanjiro

Mount Kilimanjaro Challenge

Monday 28 January 2013

Juice de-tox day one

Hello Everyone

Hope you are all fine on this a very wet and miserable day in West Yorkshire! There was a little bit of hazy sunshine when I set off and it lulled me into a false sense of feeling it was almost a spring like weather. I got to work and I was freezing, and only in a short sleeved blouse!! Well my day has gone fine, weight myself first thing and even though I am not doing this for any weight loss, for most it is a by product of the de-tox and hey I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth! I am excited at the thought of my body re-balancing itself after all the drugs and treatments I've had -- and who knows, maybe I'll be able to get off my med's too!

The juice is really nice to drink and I must say the kitchen smelled gorgeous when I was preparing and juicing all the fruit and vegetables. I haven't felt hungry at all today ( not that I often do ) and so far I've not been sick either. I've had a couple of hot drinks ( one which I'm having now ) I had a Green Tea with Lemon this am and I am now having a peppermint tea. Both of which are really good for you. Hopefully the peppermint tea will help me sleep because I am a terrible sleeper with a very poor sleeping pattern, something that started back in 2007 and has never corrected itself.

I haven't felt any different in myself and suppose it will take a day or two before the benefits start kicking in, but it really has been easy today and I can only hope it stays the same if not improving from this. I think to myself that when I finally can get out training, walking and back to the gym I'll be feeling on top of the world with all the extra energy I will have.

Well I'll leave it there and will report back tomorrow evening when I should have more to say on how things are going.

Until then

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