Mount Kilamanjiro

Mount Kilamanjiro

Mount Kilimanjaro Challenge

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Antibiotics for the next six months

Hello everyone

How many of us have friendships that span a lifetime? I think unfortunately not that many. I am a very lucky person, I have that, and as importantly, through social media, I am very happily back in contact with old friends and school chums from decades ago! This has been a great time, the feelings evoked from this leave me almost speechless, some of these friendships were forged from the tender age of four!. When I was scanning through some of my photos, I happened upon this one, I remember the day very clearly. I had done the Ingleton Falls walk and was on the way back down, when a couple of families were just ahead....and yes these little girls were chatting happily among themselves, it was very clear these little buddies were having a great day out together. It made me smile and chuckle at them as they excitedly nattered to each other down the hill.

I was sat remembering as far back as I could to the wonderful camaraderie we had at Primary and Middle school, what a close knit little bunch of kids we were...and how awful it felt when we all went onto different Grammar schools, scattered on the winds like little seeds. It's strange how over time you forget that close knit bond you had with certain friends and school the scary unknown of a new school can make you not realise how much you are missing those people, some who of course you were closer to than others. Time and real life are a strange combination, and they can make someone or something that once was so important to you, suddenly become a distant memory locked in your past.

So I for one am happy for social media for bringing those friends who for many a year were locked away in my mind, back into my life!....I'm glad you're back, and I hope you stay!

I had an appointment this afternoon with a bladder specialist, as I've said before, I've been having problems for over 18 months. Always presenting symptoms of water infections, and most of the time, when tested it's all clear. I've been under one consultant fro 12 months, and he has just referred me to the consultant I saw today. Hopefully we will finally get to the bottom of a very frustrating and sometimes very painful problem I've been having for such a very long time.

He has said today, there are two ways this will be tackled. The first is to put me on a low dose of antibiotic for the next 6 months, so if there is a bacterial infection it will definitely clear up. He wants to see me in 6 weeks to check the progress of the antibiotic and depending on other symptoms and factors, may get me in for day surgery to have a look with a camera, take biopsies and possibly use botox in my bladder. I told him at this point and after all this time, I really don't care what he does to sort it, enough is seriously enough!

So once again, things could be on the up with my bladder, I sincerely hope so.

Until next time


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